Do you drink enough water during recreation?
Sweat gland excrete fluid (sweat) that consists of water, minerals (macro elements: sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chlorine; microelements: zinc, copper, chromium), lactates, urea and a bit of carbohydrates. Sodium is the mineral lost the most through sweat. In the same circumstances, the amount of sweat and its content show individual variations.
Sweating (perspiration) is a process whose purpose is to cool the body. In physiological conditions, the rise in body temperature happens due to labor and/or higher ambient temperature. Around 60% of kilocalories needed for muscles are spent for heat production. If the temperature is not reduced, overheating occurs and eventually, heat stroke. The body defends itself against these dangers by sweating. Sweat evaporates from the skin and during this process the body heat is reduced.
In sedentary life style an average person loses 500 to 700 ml of water daily by sweating, while during exercising an average of 0.8 to 1.4 liters of sweat per hour is excreted. However, there are people who sweat profusely and they may lose 6 to 12 liters of sweat daily. Therefore, there are special protocols for rehydration in sportspersons and amateurs. The fluid is drunk before, during and after exercising.